Rose Gold Male Check up Plan (97 items)

Product: 產品: H008


Mainly examine for your physical condition, including Tumor Markers Screening , Liver and kidney function, Hepatitis Test, Thyroid Function Test and Stool Routine Test, etc. Provides professional advice according to the check-up results, allowing you to know about your physical condition and potential risk more comprehensively and allaying your concerns.

Five Key Check-up Tests

  • Diabetes/ 3 Highs Plan (blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol)
  • Liver and kidney function
  • Hepatitis Test
  • Thyroid Function Test
  • Tumor Markers Screening (6 items)

Recommended for

Recommended for 18 years old male or above who do health check-up on regular basis

Premium Items

$300 Park N Shop Gift Coupon

$200 百佳現金劵 coupon

Value Added Item
胸X光檢查 Chest X -Ray
Chest X-ray

Check whether there are problems such as tuberculosis, lung tumor, pneumothorax, bronchiectasis, and tracheal dilation.

靜態心電圖 - Resting ECG
Resting ECG

Suitable for heart discomfort, lack of exercise, or people with unhealthy diet.

HPV DNA 篩查 (自我採樣) Screening
HPV DNA Screening Test (Self-Collection)

Testing 28 types of HPV virus genotypes, covering most high-risk genotypes, for cervical cancer early screening.

Purchase together with a health check plan and get a discounted price of $500!
