Key Check-up Items
Key Check-up Items | ||||
Hepatitis Test | Hepatitis B Surface Antigen | Hepatitis B Surface Antibody | Hepatitis C Antibody | |
Thyroid Function Test | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) | Free Thyroxine (FT4) | Free Thyroxine (FT4) | |
Tumor Markers Screening (Choose 4 out of 8) | Alpha-feto protein (AFP) [Liver] | Carcino-embyronic Antigen (CEA) [Intestine, Lung, Gastric] | Cancer Antigen 72.4 (CA72.4) [Gastric] | Cancer Antigen 19.9 (CA19.9) [Pancreas, Colorectal] |
Cancer Antigen 15.3 (CA15.3) [Breast] | Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125) [Ovary] | EBV Antibody [Nasopharyngeal] | Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) [Prostate] |
Items | ||||
Basic Physical Examination | Medical Questionnaire | Height | Weight | Blood Pressure |
Pulse | ||||
Body Mass Index* | BMI | Body Fat (%) | Water (%) | Visceral Fat Rating (%) |
Bone Mass (%) | Muscle (%) | Body Age | ||
Lipid Profile | Total Cholesterol | HDL Cholesterol | LDL Cholesterol | Total Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol ratio |
Triglycerides | ||||
Liver Function Test | Total Bilirubin | Total Protein | Albumin | Globulin |
Albumin/Globulin Ratio | Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) | Alanine Transaminase (ALT) | Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) | |
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) | ||||
Diabetes Screening | Haemoglobin A1c | Glucose (Fasting) | ||
Renal Function Test | Urea | Creatinine | Creatinine | Potassium |
Gout Screening | Uric Acid | |||
White Blood Cell Differential & Absolute Count | White Blood Cell Count | Neutrophil | Lymphocyte | Monocyte |
Eosinophil | Basophil | |||
Blood Routine Test | Haemoglobin | Hematocrit | Red Blood Cell Count | Mean Cell Volume |
MCH | MCHC | Red Blood Cell Distribution Width | Platelet Court | |
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) | ABO Grouping and Rh Factor (ABO) | |||
Blood Test | Calcium | Inorganic Phosphate | ||
Urine Routine Test | Color | Specific Gravity | pH | Ketone |
Protein | Glucose | Turbidity | Urine Bilirubin | |
Epithelial Cell | Granular Cast | Hyaline Cast | Amorphous Phosphate | |
Amorphous Urate | Calcium Oxalate Crystal | Uric Acid Crystal | Haemolysed Blood | |
Urobilinogen | Nitrite | Leucocyte | Red Blood Cell | |
Stool Routine Test | Stool Occult Blood | Color | Consistency | Pus Cell |
Red Blood Cell | Leucocyte | Ova, Cysts & Parasites | Mucus | |
Fatty Liver Risk Estimation^ | ||||
Heart Age Estimation# | ||||
Report explanation by Medical Professional |
Key Check-up Items
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
- Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
- Hepatitis C Antibody
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- Free Tri-Iodothyronine (FT3)
- Free Thyroxine (FT4)
- Alpha-feto protein (AFP) [Liver]
- Carcino-embyronic Antigen (CEA) [Intestine, Lung, Gastric]
- Cancer Antigen 72.4 (CA72.4) [Gastric]
- Cancer Antigen 19.9 (CA19.9) [Pancreas, Colorectal]
- Cancer Antigen 15.3 (CA15.3) [Breast]
- Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125) [Ovary]
- EBV Antibody [Nasopharyngeal]
- Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) [Prostate]
- Medical Questionnaire
- Height
- Weight
- Blood Pressure
- Pulse
- Body Fat (%)
- Water (%)
- Visceral Fat Rating (%)
- Bone Mass (%)
- Muscle (%)
- Body Age
- Total Bilirubin
- Total Protein
- Albumin
- Globulin
- Albumin/Globulin Ratio
- Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
- Alanine Transaminase (ALT)
- Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
- Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)
- Glucose (Fasting)
- Haemoglobin A1c
- Urea
- Creatinine
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Uric Acid
- White Blood Cell Count
- Neutrophil
- Lymphocyte
- Monocyte
- Eosinophil
- Basophil
- Haemoglobin
- Hematocrit
- Red Blood Cell Count
- Mean Cell Volume
- Red Blood Cell Distribution Width
- Platelet Court
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
- ABO Grouping and Rh Factor (ABO)
- Calcium
- Inorganic Phosphate
- Color
- Specific Gravity
- pH
- Ketone
- Protein
- Glucose
- Turbidity
- Urine Bilirubin
- Urobilinogen
- Nitrite
- Leucocyte
- Red Blood Cell
- Epithelial Cell
- Granular Cast
- Hyaline Cast
- Amorphous Phosphate
- Amorphous Urate
- Calcium Oxalate Crystal
- Uric Acid Crystal
- Haemolysed Blood
- Stool Occult Blood
- Color
- Consistency
- Pus Cell
- Red Blood Cell
- Leucocyte
- Ova, Cysts & Parasites
- Mucus
Test Procedures

2. Go to our medical centre for testing

3. Report in 7 working days and explain by our medical professional.
General Health Check
- *The results will be displayed in the appendix with the health check test reports for reference only
- #It is only applicable to people aged 30-75 and those who have not had any previous cardiovascular disease.
- ^Not applicable to individuals with a prior liver condition, weight ≥160 kg, and age ≤40 (women) or ≤35 (men), on medications to lower triglycerides or with inherited hypertriglyceridemia.
- Breast cancer risk assessment is only limited for women aged 44-69 to evaluate their risk of developing breast cancer.
- Customers undergoing a medical examination must be at least 18 years of age or older. (For those who are under 18 and would like to perform Health Check Services, they must be accompanied by their parent(s) and sign the consent form)
- No eating or drinking or taking of any drug within 8 hours before the examination (Except plain water).
- Please do not smoke or drink any alcohol and caffeine drinks before the test.
- Pregnant ladies, or any members who are suffering from bleeding disorders or receiving anti-coagulant therapy are advised to consult his/her medical doctor prior to receiving the services.
- Urine test: Collect the middle portion of 15ml urine stream in the clean container before the test.
- Stool test: Stool size should be walnut or 1-inch ball in the clean container within 24 hours before the test or can get the special stool container in our testing centre. (It is important that no urine or toilet water mix with the stool sample).
STD Health Check
- Abstinence for at least 24 hours before the test is recommended. Avoid cleaning up your genital in the test day morning.
- Avoid visiting the bathroom 2 hours before the test.
- Ladies in menstruation is not suitable for urine test.
- Urine Test: Recommended to collect the sample of your first morning urine on the day.
Ultrasound Scan
- Pelvis U/S Scan: Have full bladder prior to examination.
- Please inform our staff of confirmed/ suspected pregnancy.
Terms and Conditions
- Customers must present their identity cards and the order confirmation letter on the appointment day.
- The service purchased is valid for two months (from the date of purchase) or it will be forfeited.
- **Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers.
- No cancellation is acceptable once an order is confirmed.
- Service items may change without piror notice. In case of dispute, ApexHealth reserves all rights.
- For any enquiry, please call our customer services hotline at (852) 3979 3200.
- Disclaimers: All health check/health screening services are not for the purpose of medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. When there is any sign of symptom/disease in your health, please consult Doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment.