Rheumatoid Check up Plan (33 items)

Product: 產品: H031


Includes Basic Physical Examination, Gout Screening and Rheumatoid Arthritis Test, etc with medical professional consultation. Stay alert of your body and implement preventative care with suitable treatment in advance.

Key Check-up Tests

  • Gout
  • Vitamin D
  • Rheumatioid Factor
Add-on item
胸X光檢查 Chest X -Ray
1 × Chest X-ray

Check whether there are problems such as tuberculosis, lung tumor, pneumothorax, bronchiectasis, and tracheal dilation.

靜態心電圖 - Resting ECG
1 × Resting ECG

Suitable for heart discomfort, lack of exercise, or people with unhealthy diet.

超聲波檢查4選1自選 Choose 1 out 4 option Ultrasound
1 × Ultrasound (1.Pelvis or 2.Thyroid or 3.Testes (Male Only) or 4.Liver, Gallbladder & Spleen)
SKU: H031 Category: