Breast cancer symptoms & causes, how to diagnose and treatments

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Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers among in women, with approximately one in every 13 women at risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. In Hong Kong, the number of breast cancer cases diagnosed has tripled from 1993 to 2021. It is also the third common related deaths cancer among women in Hong Kong, with over 800 deaths attributed to breast cancer annually, resulting in a mortality rate of approximately 18%. This article will focus on the common symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment methods for breast cancer.

What are the common symptoms of breast cancer?

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Early-stage breast cancer may have notable symptoms and can even be asymptomatic. Therefore, relying solely on self-examination may not lead to early detection. Most cases are discovered incidentally during routine breast cancer screening. Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Painless breast lump(s) – The presence of a palpable lump or mass in the breast, which can even cause visible changes or deformities in the overall breast shape.
  • Irregular breast tissue appearance
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – This indicates that cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, resulting in persistent enlargement.
  • Swelling and inflammation of the breast skin – Breast cancer can cause swelling, inflammation, change in skin texture of the breast or nipple, and in severe cases, ulceration, bleeding, or infection. The breast or nipple skin may exhibit eczema-like symptoms, redness, or even an orange peel appearance.
  • Changes the size or shape of the breast
  • Abnormal nipple discharge (possibly with blood)
  • Breast pain

Risk factors of breast cancer

The exact causes of breast cancer are fully unknown. However, several factors are likely to increase the risk of developing breast cancer. The causes of breast cancer can be categorized as either congenital or acquired. Approximately 5% to 10% of breast cancers are associated with inherited mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Acquired causes can be influenced by hormones, unhealthy lifestyle habits, environmental factors, etc., which increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

High-risk women have any of the following:

  • Have a family history of breast cancer (especially premenopausal cases)
  • Family history of breast cancer, such as first-degree relatives (mother, sister or daughter) diagnosed with breast cancer before
  • Have their first childbirth after the age of 30
  • Have a history of ovarian or endometrial cancer before
  • Consume alcohol

External environmental risks have any of the following:

  • Irregular lifestyle habits
  • Using oral contraceptive
  • Receiving hormonal replacement therapy during menopause
  • Regular smoking

Trucheck CTC Cancer Screening Test (Breast Cancer)

CTC Cancer Screening 循環腫瘤細胞篩查檢測 (乳癌)_web image_EN_1800x1800-min

Trucheck is a new, accurate, and simple detection for circulating tumor cell blood test for the early cancer risk.

  • High accuracy up to 96% for breast cancer screening.
  • Requires only small blood sample.
  • Non-invasive and no radiation, which safer than imaging tests.
  • Detects cancer risk in more early stage than traditional MRI and other blood markers.
  • Suitable for asymptomatic female.

Breast cancer treatments

If diagnosed with breast cancer, the treatment is recommended by the doctor will depend on the individual’s condition. The most common treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and hormonal therapy.

  1. Surgery: Breast cancer removal surgery is often accompanied by axillary lymph node removal to reduce the chance of recurrence.
  2. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body.
  3. Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy is a local treatment that uses radiation to kill cancer cells hidden within organs. Normal cells in the body can recover after receiving radiation, but cancer cells are unable to replicate and eventually die.
  4. Targeted therapy: Targeted therapy specifically targets certain molecules or genes involved in cancer cell growth and survival.
  5. Hormonal therapy: Hormonal therapy aims to prevent the growth and spread of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer by blocking the effects of estrogen or lowering estrogen levels in the body.
  6. Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy aims to activate or enhance the body’s immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells.
  • Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation (HKBCF)
  • American Cancer Society
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Further Readings
Breast Cancer-5 Common Myths Does a Firm Breast Mean Breast Cancer_EN_1600x967-min

【Breast Cancer】5 Common Myths | Does a Firm Breast Mean Breast Cancer? Am I having breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women in Hong Kong, and the mortality rate of breast cancer patients has been on a rising trend, making it one of the top ten killer cancers in Hong Kong. Many women regularly check their breasts for lumps, but there is a misconception that “the larger the breasts, the higher the risk of developing breast cancer.” This article will explain five common myths or misconceptions about breast cancer.

Breast cancer symptoms causes_EN_1600x667-min

Breast cancer symptoms & causes, how to diagnose and treatments

Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers among in women, with approximately one in every 13 women at risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. In Hong Kong, the number of breast cancer cases diagnosed has tripled from 1993 to 2021. It is also the third common related deaths cancer among women in Hong Kong, with over 800 deaths attributed to breast cancer annually, resulting in a mortality rate of approximately 18%. This article will focus on the common symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment methods for breast cancer.

Breast Cancer-Aware for painless breast lump alarm_EN_1600x667-min

【Breast Cancer】Aware for painless breast lump “Alarm”

Early detection of breast cancer allows patients to have more treatments approach. Early treatment could reduce the burden of extensive treatment expenses and negative physical and mental stress, which greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. This article introduces some common breast cancer screening and self-examination.


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