【Breast Cancer】5 Common Myths | Does a Firm Breast Mean Breast Cancer? Am I having breast cancer?

Breast Cancer-5 Common Myths Does a Firm Breast Mean Breast Cancer_EN_1600x967-min

Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women in Hong Kong, and the mortality rate of breast cancer patients has been on a rising trend, making it one of the top ten killer cancers in Hong Kong. Many women regularly check their breasts for lumps, but there is a misconception that “the larger the breasts, the higher the risk of developing breast cancer.” This article will explain five common myths or misconceptions about breast cancer.

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Does a lump in the breast means I got breast cancer? Is feeling unevenness a sign of cancer?

Before menstruation, hormones can cause fluid accumulation in the breasts, which may give a sensation of lumps. Similarly, during pregnancy, similar symptoms may occur, which usually will disappear after a few days. These changes are generally considered as hormonal responses to the breast, and not all lumps are cancerous. In addition to the occurrence of breast lumps before menstruation and during pregnancy, benign tumors such as lipomas, subcutaneous cysts, fibrocystic changes, fibroadenomas, and adenomas can also cause a feeling of lumps near the breast. Therefore, having a breast lump does not necessarily mean having breast cancer.

Does larger the breast size has higher risk of develop breast cancer?

Many people mistakenly believe that breast size is linked to the risk of cancer. However, breast size only reflects the amount of fat, while the occurrence of breast cancer is related to breast density. Therefore, the higher the breast density, the higher the risk of developing cancer. Simply looking at breast size isn’t a proven risk factor for breast cancer.

Does breast cancer only occur in middle-aged or elder women, and young people immune to breast cancer?

Incorrect! Although cancer mostly occurs in middle-aged and older women, there is a growing trend of breast cancer among younger women. Generally, breast cancer is diagnosed in patients under 40 years old is considered as early-onset breast cancer. According to Hong Kong Cancer Registry, the median age of breast cancer patients is 56, with 54.3% of breast cancer patients are between the age of 40 to 59. Patients under age of 40 account for 6.5% of all breast cancer patients, young women have a lower chance of getting breast cancer compared to their older counterparts, but are not immune to breast cancer, young women also need to undergo screening.

Does the presence of calcifications in the breasts mean cancer?

Patient’s breasts are placed between two imaging plates to detect tiny calcifications under mammograms, changes in breast structures, and shadows. For example, if multiple scattered calcifications are found throughout the breasts, it is likely a benign condition. On the contrary, if the calcifications appear as a line or are clustered together, there is a high chance of malignant tumors. Additionally, some people may develop breast lumps due to fibrocystic changes, which can be benign (fibroadenoma, cysts, etc.), and these lumps may also fluctuate in size and cause discomfort according to the menstrual cycle.

If I have a healthy diet, and no family cancer history can free us from the risk of having breast cancer?

The World Health Organization has identified some major risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, unhealthy dietary, lack of physical activity, and obesity can lead to developing cancer. Other factors such as aging, infections (such as hepatitis B and C, human papillomavirus), and environmental factors (such as air pollution, environmental hormones) can also contribute to the risk of cancer. Even without a family history of breast cancer, it is still possible to develop breast cancer. If breast cancer can be detected at asymptomatic stage, which in other words the earliest possible time, breast cancer mortality rate can be lowered.

Trucheck CTC Cancer Screening Test

CTC Cancer Screening 循環腫瘤細胞篩查檢測 (乳癌)_web image_CN_1800x1800-min

Trucheck is a new, accurate, and simple detection for circulating tumor cell blood test for the early cancer risk.

  • High 96% accuracy for breast cancer screening.
  • Requires only small blood sample.
  • Non-invasive and no radiation, which safer than imaging tests.
  • Detects cancer risk in more early stage than traditional MRI and other blood markers.
  • Suitable for asymptomatic female
  • Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Hong Kong Anuti-cancer Society
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Breast Cancer-5 Common Myths Does a Firm Breast Mean Breast Cancer_EN_1600x967-min

【Breast Cancer】5 Common Myths | Does a Firm Breast Mean Breast Cancer? Am I having breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women in Hong Kong, and the mortality rate of breast cancer patients has been on a rising trend, making it one of the top ten killer cancers in Hong Kong. Many women regularly check their breasts for lumps, but there is a misconception that “the larger the breasts, the higher the risk of developing breast cancer.” This article will explain five common myths or misconceptions about breast cancer.

Breast cancer symptoms causes_EN_1600x667-min

Breast cancer symptoms & causes, how to diagnose and treatments

Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers among in women, with approximately one in every 13 women at risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. In Hong Kong, the number of breast cancer cases diagnosed has tripled from 1993 to 2021. It is also the third common related deaths cancer among women in Hong Kong, with over 800 deaths attributed to breast cancer annually, resulting in a mortality rate of approximately 18%. This article will focus on the common symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment methods for breast cancer.

Breast Cancer-Aware for painless breast lump alarm_EN_1600x667-min

【Breast Cancer】Aware for painless breast lump “Alarm”

Early detection of breast cancer allows patients to have more treatments approach. Early treatment could reduce the burden of extensive treatment expenses and negative physical and mental stress, which greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. This article introduces some common breast cancer screening and self-examination.


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