The Seasonal Battle Against Eczema! 3 strikes against rashes, swelling, and itchiness!

Once the weather changes, the war against eczema begins! There are probably over 100 types of banned food if based on the norm, but if you avoid eating everything, your psychological situation will probably be even more sensitive than your skin. As a matter of fact, over-avoiding foods can reduce your body’s natural response to immunity and can even worsen and cause eczema to become inflamed to incredible proportions.

In order to fend off eczema, we have multiple medical doctors weighing in to tackle this issue and have developed 3 practical strategies: starting from your diet, your environment and everyday lifestyle, you can kick away eczema, and allow your skin to become anew.

The answer to eating cleanly isn’t to avoid a lot of food, it’s to identify who the culprit is 

According to Chinese Medicine, there is a theorized method that suggests people to avoid eating foods that are pickled and fermented, spicy foods, foods high in fat content, seafoods that are prone to cause allergies, foods high in sucrose, replenishing medicines, bamboo shoots, taro, foods that “cause inflammation,” “circulate your blood,” “circulate your qi” etc, in short, they suggest to avoid eating a multitude of foods. In reality, every person’s immune response to allergies is different, and avoiding all foods does not equate to an end-all-be-all answer. It is highly recommended to ask an expert to provide you with medical advice to find out which foods you are allergic to, because the foods that you might have to avoid could just be far less than you have imagined.

ApexHealth provides IgG Tests (also known as: “Delayed Food Allergy” Test) that specifically targets food-triggered allergies, and searches for the culprit of the allergic reactions. The procedure is only a simple blood test, the lab will then go through “Microarray of Immunoassays DNA Test” to detect immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies in your blood. Now, with only one test, we can distinguish 222 different types of high-risk allergens in the foods that can cause a reaction. After taking the IgG test, some people with severe eczema found the cause of their reactions were because they were actually allergic to egg yolk, rather than eggs. So once they avoided foods containing egg yolks, they even had no issues eating crab and beef, and could eat as much as they want.

Avoid environmental allergens, diligently moisturize your skin

In addition to changing your diet to prevent eczema from flaring up, you would need to be careful of environmental triggers and protect your skin on a daily basis.

You should avoid environmental triggers that can cause eczema to flare up, namely, dust, pollen, wool and domestic pets’ fur, and humid areas.

Besides maintaining a daily lifestyle to prevent allergies from occurring, here are several key points to take note of:

  • Frequently apply moisturizing products to keep your skin moisturized at all times;
  • You shouldn’t take too long of a bath and refrain from using water in high temperatures;
  • Do not use sponges or towels to vigorously rub your skin.
  • Choose highly effective hypoallergenic personal care products for sensitive skin. These products are free of fragrances, soaps, colors and preservatives and are mainly composed of water which protects the skin, and can relieve symptoms of dry skin and itchiness.

Find out the root cause and stop eczema, you should take advice from medical experts, (click here) for more information on the IgG Delayed Food Allergy Test.

3 steps to dig allergens out

Step 1: Drawing out blood (around 2mL)

Step 2: Using precise scans to inspect the antigenic response of more than 220 foods and analyze the results of each food antigen

Step 3: Registered nutritional profession will explain the report and provide you with a dietary assessment and nutrition plan.

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